How NOT to Lose Your Sanity When You Have Too Many Projects

Too many projects marie Eve Boudreault zen life true happiness in the moments free ebook book blog

Do you tend to take on and have too many projects? I guess it’s a habit of our society. Guilty here.

We get inspired and excited by projects and people talking about theirs (well, I do). We want to do good for people we love, like you. We want a fun, fulfilled, happy life.

And, oops!

We cross the line where our sanity, our zen, lives the room, figuratively. Stress can creep in, as well as a bunch of other less than desirable habits.

This morning I woke up around 3. Being awfully thirsty with a pregnancy belly equals frequent trips to the bathroom, so often I can’t get back to sleep. And inspiration hits. And I have to get up. So I’m working on about 4 books at the same time, including one free on Finding Happiness.

The key is exactly there. Finding balance to live a happy life. So here is what I do to restore balance now that I have too many projects.

Working when inspired

Working when inspired means I work more efficiently. I write this blog post because I feel like it, as a gift of happiness. I’m in charge of my busyness so I try to remember not to force myself when I absolutely don’t feel like it. In these down times, when I don’t want to do anything, it usually means I need to relax or catch up on sleep, so that’s what I do.

Keeping sane habits

Sleeping the hours we miss is in here, as well as remembering to take proper care of our body and mind, with nutritious meals and meditation for example. I also try to follow the cues of nature, the seasons, as my body is a part of it. Autumn is a good time for closing up projects and taking it more easy in the upcoming months.

Letting go of the unnecessary

I try to prioritize first my values and principles, then my projects. Family comes first, so I cut back hours of work and spend time with my loved ones and focus on what we need. Then I order my projects, in this case the books I write first, then other working activities. I often observe and follow the 80/20 Pareto principle in my life, where 20% of our activities bring the most joy, help, and fulfillment. I let go of others or put less emphasis on them.

The day coming to an end in a flurry of snow, I remind myself to enjoy the moments. Happiness won’t come only when we finish our projects. Happiness is here, in a smile, the flow of action, a warm feeling, a sight of beauty, in the promise of doing the best we can to sleep soundly tonight. Can you feel it too?

Too many projects marie Eve Boudreault zen life true happiness in the moments free ebook book blog